Data Privacy Policy
The Competition only collects personal data that is used for the purposes specified below. Personal data is only available to organisers and only for these purposes, unless otherwise stated.
Names are used to identify attendees to the competition. They are recorded on entry and on arrival. Names are used to identify competitors and officials in running order schedules, which are available to attendees. Names may appear in the official competition results published via the competition webpages, acting as a public record of achievement. Names are used to identify scoresheets which are retained after the competition.
We only ask for gender for pushing hands competitors, in order to place into appropriate pushing hands categories.
We only ask for weight for pushing hands competitors, in order to place into appropriate pushing hands categories.
We do not ask for age for most competitors, but juniors (16 or under) are entered into junior competition categories. Specific ages for juniors may be used for health and safety in deciding appropriate pushing hands match-ups.
We use email as our primary means of communication with attendees, to share information regarding the competition in the couple of weeks before and after the competition. Email addresses are not shared with other organisations. Further use is limited to a single email offering opt-in to learn about future events.
Telephone numbers are rarely used, but sometimes used to confirm category changes if we cannot resolve by email, or to communicate with latecomers, in case we can work around their arrival time.
Addresses are solely used to send medals to medal-winners who have left before the presentation.
We record the categories entered by each competitor, which is used to run the competition. The may be found in running order schedules, which are available to attendees.
Club name and instructor name are used to help provide a better experience. We try to separate people from the same club/instructor in initial rounds of pushing hands. Where possible, we like to name-check clubs when giving our medal awards. We sometimes check with an instructor present on the day, who can tell us whether their student is delayed, or unable to attend.
Registration and attendance of judging seminars is recorded as part of the TCUGB judging programme. Attendance may be published via judging webpages.
Officiating as a judge is recorded as part of the TCUGB judging programme. Attendance may be published via judging webpages.
Photograph and Video Policy
There are always a lot of cameras and camcorders at Tai Chi competitions and workshops. Therefore, there will be filming and photography across the weekend.
We will also take some pictures for the competition website and Tai Chi Union.
Please do not use flash while the competition is running. It is OK before we start and during the awards. Also, please be respectful of the marked performance areas, or when a performer is near the edge of an area.
Note that photos may be published on the web without personal identification (as you can see in our galleries, coming soon.)
One or two may be used in local newspapers' write-up of the event (also without names). However, the TCUGB makes a point of naming people when they are used in their magazine articles. If you prefer to avoid that, please let us know. We will remove photographs from our website on request.
We ask that others follow the same rules with their photos. When posting them to social media or your websites, please avoid naming other people that haven't agreed.